The cause of the seasons can be attributed to the tilt of the earth’s axis.  The axis around which the earth rotates every day is tipped 23.5 degrees.  In summer, we are tipped toward the sun.  When we are tipped toward the sun, the sun’s rays beat down upon the earth from almost straight overhead.  In winter, we are tipped away from the sun.  When we are tipped away from the sun, the sun’s rays beat down upon the earth from a sharp angle.  The two extremes of angles are on June 21st where the sun is at its highest noon and on December 21st where the sun is at its lowest noon.

The tilt of the earth’s axis causes the number of daylight hours to vary during the year.  In summer the sun rises around 5:00 A.M. or so but doesn’t set until 10:00 P.M.  The daylight hours in winter are very short comparatively. 




Seasons Questions and Answers:

1. What is the cause of the seasons?


2. What season is the earth tipped toward the sun?


3. What season is the earth tipped away from the sun?


4. What are the two dates in which the angles of the sun are the most extreme?

June 21st and Dec. 21

5. Tell two new pieces of info that you learned from the links provided concerning this topic. Insert these into your defense log.




(Pause on hover buttons for answers)

1)                   2) 

3)                          4) 




   The Seasons

     The Earth's Orbit

     Reasons for the Seasons

     The Earth's Seasons

  The Equinox